Sunday, August 16, 2015

How I Got Here

On August 19th, I will be saying goodbye to my familiar life here in the States and moving across to world to a tiny village known as Eston, South Africa for the next 11 months of my life!

I spent the past five years of my life studying Early Childhood Education (k-4) with a dual major in Special Education (k-8) and a minor in Adapted Physical Activities at Slippery Rock University, which is located North of Pittsburgh.

As I started my last semester at college Student Teaching earlier this spring at Pittsburgh Public, I began to realize how much of a passion I have for helping underprivileged children and teaching in general.

As the semester moved along, I really started to think about what I truly wanted to do with my life post graduation. Graduate school had crossed my mind… for approximately 10 minutes, until I decided I was crazy for even thinking about 2 more years of school at this point in my life!

I began to apply for the Peace Corps and then realized that 27 months away from my family would be a bit too long but still knew that volunteering somewhere overseas was truly where my heart was being called.

As I looked into more volunteering programs, my mom mentioned MCC, which stands for Mennonite Central Committee. When I first looked at MCC’s webpage, everything looked AWESOME, except the deadline for applications had passed and I instantly became discouraged. I called my mom in a panic and she told me that I shouldn’t lose hope so quickly and that I should call first thing in the morning.

After a phone call the following day, I was told there were still positions available and they would be willing to still consider my application! The very same day, I selected three teaching positions located in South Africa, and sent in my application. Very much to my surprise, I had my first interview with MCC the following week!

About two months later, endless paperwork and interviews, I had my final two-hour interview via Skype with South Africa. Later that afternoon, they offered me the position with five days to make my final call! I knew instantly that if I didn’t accept the offer right away, I never would.

With this being said, I accepted a position with Mennonite Central Committee as a Kindergarten teacher at Hope Valley Farm School where I will be focusing on the English language alongside a Zulu speaking teacher. I will also be organizing a peace club for the school as well as coaching.

On August 19th, my parents will be dropping me off in Akron, Pennsylvania at MCC’s headquarters. I will be spending a week in Akron with the 55 other volunteers where we will have an “in-country” orientation. On August 26th, I will be boarding a plane and flying 16 hours across the world to meet my new family and be welcomed to my new home.

At this point, I do not know much about my time in South Africa. I do know that I will be living with a host family during my time there and will be able to experience South African culture on the weekends.

The school I will be teaching at is very rural and all the other teachers at the school are volunteers as well from all around the world.

While overseas, I plan to stay in touch with everyone. Please feel free to message me with any questions you may have. I will be updating my blog weekly with new pictures and stories for all!

I cannot thank you all enough for all the support, love and prayers that I have already received. I would greatly appreciate you to continue to keep me in your prayers as I set out on my adventure serving God and his children of South Africa! 

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